REET Examination Level- I & Level-II 2024
This page provides all necessary information regarding the REET Examination 2024, including important dates, eligibility criteria, application fees, syllabus details, exam pattern, and more.
REET Examination Related Details & Overview
REET Examination 2024 offers opportunities for eligible candidates to become Primary (Classes 1-5) and Upper Primary (Classes 6-8) teachers in Rajasthan. The recruitment process includes written exams to evaluate teaching aptitude and subject knowledge. Successful candidates will be eligible for teaching positions in government schools across Rajasthan and will receive competitive pay and allowances as per state norms.
Important Dates
- Application Start: 16-12-2024
- Last Date to Apply Online: 15-01-2025 (11:59 PM)
- Last Date to Complete Form: 15-01-2025
- Correction Window: 17-19 January 2025
- Admit Card : 19-02-2025 From 04:00PM Tantetive
- Exam Date:27-02-2024 Tantetive
Application Fees
- Level-I :₹550/-
- Level-II :₹550/-
- Level-I & Level-II (Both) ₹750/-
Age Limit for REET Examination
- Minimum Age: 18 Years
- Maximum Age: 40 Years
- Age Relaxation: Applicable for SC/ST/OBC categories as per rules
REET Examination Pattern & Time duration
Time Duration | |
First shift | 10 AM To 12:30 PM : 150 minutes |
Second shift | 03 PM To 05:30 PM : 150 minutes |
Exam Pattern | |
Total Questions | Level-I : 150 MCQ |
Level-II : 150 MCQ | |
Total marks | Level-I : 150 Marks |
Level-II : 150 Marks | |
+1 mark is given for the correct answer, No Negative Marking |
REET eligibility criteria Level-I & Level-II
Level 1 - Primary Teacher
- Senior Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.
- Senior Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of a 4-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed).
- Senior Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of a 2-year Diploma in Education (Special Education).
- Graduation and passed or appearing in the final year of a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.
Level 2 - Upper Primary Teacher
- Graduation with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in a 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.).
- Graduation with at least 45% marks and passed or appearing in a 1-year Bachelor in Education (B.Ed.), following NCTE regulations.
- Graduation and passed or appearing in the final year of a 2-year Diploma in Elementary Education.
- Senior Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of a 4-year Bachelor in Elementary Education (B.El.Ed).
- Senior Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in the final year of a 4-year B.A/B.Sc.Ed or B.A.Ed/B.Sc.Ed.
- Graduation with at least 50% marks and passed or appearing in a 1-year B.Ed. (Special Education).
Syllabus- REET Exam 2024
Syllabus in English
Level 1 - Primary Teacher Syllabus
The syllabus for Level 1 is designed for candidates who wish to teach Classes 1 to 5. The major subjects are as follows:
Child Development & Pedagogy (Level 1)
- Child Development Concept
- Concept of Inclusive Education
- Learning & Pedagogy
- Understanding Children with Special Needs
Language (Level 1)
- Unseen Passage
- Grammar
- Language Pedagogy
Mathematics (Level 1)
- Number System, Simplification
- Percentage, Ratio
- Time & Work, Speed & Distance
- Algebra, Mensuration, Geometry
- Average, Profit & Loss
- Pedagogy of Mathematics
Environmental Studies (Level 1)
- Family and Friends
- Food & Shelter, Water & Travel
- Things We Make and Do
- EVS Pedagogy
Level 2 - Upper Primary Teacher Syllabus
The syllabus for Level 2 is for candidates who wish to teach Classes 6 to 8. The major subjects are as follows:
Child Development & Pedagogy (Level 2)
- Child Development Concept
- Concept of Inclusive Education
- Learning & Pedagogy
- Understanding Children with Special Needs
Language (Level 2)
- Unseen Passage
- Grammar
- Language Pedagogy
Mathematics (Level 2)
- Number System, Simplification
- Percentage, Ratio
- Time & Work, Speed & Distance
- Algebra, Mensuration, Geometry
- Average, Profit & Loss
- Pedagogy of Mathematics
Social Studies (Level 2)
- History, Geography
- Social and Political Life
- Economics and Static GK
- Social Studies Pedagogy
Science (Level 2)
- Food & Materials
- How Things Work, Moving Things
- Natural Resources, World of the Living
- Pedagogy of Science
Syllabus in Hindi
Level 1 - प्राथमिक शिक्षक सिलेबस
Level 1 का सिलेबस उन उम्मीदवारों के लिए है जो कक्षा 1 से 5 तक पढ़ाना चाहते हैं। प्रमुख विषय निम्नलिखित हैं:
बाल विकास एवं अध्यापन (Level 1)
- बाल विकास की अवधारणा
- समावेशी शिक्षा की अवधारणा
- अधिगम एवं अध्यापन
- विशेष आवश्यकता वाले बच्चों को समझना
भाषा (Level 1)
- अदृश्य पाठ
- व्याकरण
- भाषा पेडागॉजी
गणित (Level 1)
- संख्या पद्धति, सरलीकरण
- प्रतिशत, अनुपात
- समय और कार्य, गति और दूरी
- बीजगणित, माप, ज्यामिति
- औसत, लाभ और हानि
- गणित का पेडागॉजी
पर्यावरण अध्ययन (Level 1)
- परिवार और मित्र
- खाद्य और आश्रय, पानी और यात्रा
- हम जो बनाते हैं और करते हैं
- EVS पेडागॉजी
Level 2 - उच्च प्राथमिक शिक्षक सिलेबस
Level 2 का सिलेबस उन उम्मीदवारों के लिए है जो कक्षा 6 से 8 तक पढ़ाना चाहते हैं। प्रमुख विषय निम्नलिखित हैं:
बाल विकास एवं अध्यापन (Level 2)
- बाल विकास की अवधारणा
- समावेशी शिक्षा की अवधारणा
- अधिगम एवं अध्यापन
- विशेष आवश्यकता वाले बच्चों को समझना
भाषा (Level 2)
- अदृश्य पाठ
- व्याकरण
- भाषा पेडागॉजी
गणित (Level 2)
- संख्या पद्धति, सरलीकरण
- प्रतिशत, अनुपात
- समय और कार्य, गति और दूरी
- बीजगणित, माप, ज्यामिति
- औसत, लाभ और हानि
- गणित का पेडागॉजी
सामाजिक अध्ययन (Level 2)
- इतिहास, भूगोल
- सामाजिक और राजनीतिक जीवन
- अर्थशास्त्र और स्थिर सामान्य ज्ञान
- सामाजिक अध्ययन पेडागॉजी
विज्ञान (Level 2)
- खाद्य और सामग्री
- किसी चीज का काम कैसे होता है, चलती चीजें
- प्राकृतिक संसाधन, जीवों की दुनिया
- विज्ञान का पेडागॉजी
For downloading the syllabus, please visit the "Important Links" section below.
Important Links | |
Correction Start | Edit Now |
REET Form 2024 | Generate Challan  ||   Apply Now |
Exam Notice | Download |
Download REET Syllabus PDF | Level-I || Level-II |
Reet 2024 | Official Website |
Board of Secondary Eduaction, Rajsthan | Official Website |
For Latest Jobs Update | Join - Telegram |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What is the eligibility for REET 2024?
For Level 1, candidates need to have a Senior Secondary or equivalent with at least 50% marks along with a two-year Diploma in Elementary Education or a four-year Bachelor of Elementary Education (B.El.Ed). For Level 2, candidates must have a Graduation degree with at least 50% marks and a one-year B.Ed. or a two-year Diploma in Elementary Education.
2. How to apply for REET 2024?
Candidates can apply online through the official REET website during the application period. The application process includes filling in personal details, uploading necessary documents, and paying the application fee.
3. What is the selection process for REET 2024?
The selection is based on the REET exam results, where candidates must score above the cutoff in both Level 1 and Level 2 exams to be eligible for teaching posts in Rajasthan schools.
4. What is the pay scale for REET-qualified teachers?
The pay scale varies based on the position. Primary Teachers (Level 1) and Upper Primary Teachers (Level 2) typically receive a salary in the range of ₹25,000 to ₹45,000 per month depending on experience and qualifications.
5. When is the REET exam for 2024?
The exam date will be 27/12/2024. Candidates should keep checking the website for updates regarding the exam schedule and other notifications.